Tryouts Begin Next Week!
We will also be having uniform fitting on the same day as tryouts, so it is very important that you attend your scheduled tryout session. Uniform fitting will consist of jersey and hat fitting.
Please make sure your child has a glove, and cleats, as the field may be wet due to all the rain that we have been receiving and that is also forecasted for next week. The tryouts are in the evening, so please dress warm.
Tryouts will be at Recreation Park (aka Barney Glen Field) located right behind the YMCA on Mountain. The address is 740 E. Olive Avenue, Monrovia, CA.
The timeline for Tryouts is as follows (Dates and Times have been amended due to weather):
Wednesday, January 11th – Shetland Tryouts (5 & 6 yr. olds) – 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM
- If your last name begins with A-H, please arrive at 5:30 for Check-In.
- If your last name begins with I-Z, please arrive at 6:30 for Check-In.
Thursday, January 12th – Pinto Tryouts (7 & 8 yr. olds) – 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM
- If your last name begins with A-L, please arrive at 5:30 for Check-In.
- If your last name begins with M-Z, please arrive at 6:30 for Check-In.
Friday, January 13th – Mustang Tryouts (9 & 10 yr. olds) – 5:30 PM to 7:30 PM
- If your last name begins with A-F, please arrive at 5:00 for Check-In.
- If your last name begins with G-Z, please arrive at 6:00 for Check-In.
Changed to Friday, January 13th – Bronco (11 & 12 yr. olds) – 7:30 PM to 9:00 PM
- Bronco players – Please arrive at 7:00 PM for Check-In.
Please make sure your child has a glove and cleats as the field may be wet due to all the rain that we have had. If your child has a batting helmet, please The tryouts are in the evening so please dress warm.